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We believe at Hope Restoration Church that outreach is the heart of the church. It is how we meet the needs of our community and world, while expressing God’s love in ways that build relationships and provide opportunities to share God’s plan of salvation. The purpose of our Mission and Outreach Ministry is to reach those who are outside the walls of our Church with the resources needed, a message of hope, and the love that this world desperately needs.
 We are blessed to be able to serve in the mission field in our community, nationally and internationally with our prayers and through our work in different mission projects.

With your help, we can reach people of every age, location, and language for Christ. See how you play a key role in relief and restoration work through our Global and Local Mission Partners.


Hope Restoration Ministries through the dedication of its pastoral Shepherd and General Overseer, Rev. Reuben Chizor, has been actively involved in the extension of medical and health care services to the needy communities especially in the third world region. Using the expertise of medically trained members of Hope Restoration (doctors, nurses, social workers) and in conjunction with other charitable health care agencies, Hope Restoration has provided public health awareness in addition to diagnostic and treatment opportunities in very undeserved areas of the third world, particularly in Nigeria and is in the process of extending its health care activities to other needy areas. To get involved contact Pastor Ifeyinwa.


The purpose of our Mission Ministry is to share God’s love in a tangible way! We desire to be the hands of Jesus by reaching out to those around us. All people are precious to God, so we aim to minister to the needs of the people in the church and the community.



 Hope Restoration Church has answered the call to help with gifts of money, and school supplies for needy children. The mission team personally deliver these funds and supplies and know firsthand that they were received by the intended recipients. All of these people have witnessed the fact that God cares for them. 


 “Then they will reply, Lord when did we ever see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison and did not help you? And He will answer, I tell you the truth when you refused to help the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were refusing to help Me.” Mathew 25: 44-45.

Our church works to identify and serve the needs of our local and larger community. A small group of our membership gathers together and go out into the areas of the community where the homeless congregate and nursing homes to pass out food, talk with them, share a smile, pray with them and just let them know that someone cares.


Hope Restoration Ministry is dedicated to serving its immediate neighborhood and community. On the last Saturday of every month, our church community gathers and works to help alleviate the stress of hunger for those in need by giving out food, providing resources, encouragement, and prayers. Together, we strive to do our part to impact our community!

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